Our Services

We provide a comprehensive range of services and offer treatment for various conditions, including:

  • Management of Acute Illnesses
  • Health Checks and Diagnostics
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Women's Health
  • Antenatal Care
  • Vaccinations
  • Sports Injuries
  • Mental Health
  • Minor Surgery
  • Travel Vaccinations
  • Sexual Health
  • Drug Addiction
  • Medical Reports
  • Emergencies

  • Management of Acute Illnesses 

    As GPs we are often the first point of contact for patients with acute illnesses and injuries. We assess and manage patients with a wide variety of conditions ranging from minor self-limiting illness to acute exacerbations of pre-existing chronic illnesses. We also manage minor injuries including dressings and suturing depending on the location involved. Other injuries, including potential fractures, may need onward referral to the Emergency Department or Urgent Care Unit. To facilitate prompt assessment of acute symptoms, we offer a limited number of emergency and same day appointments for urgent medical problems.

    Health Checks and Diagnostics

    We provide a full range of clinical and diagnostic tests, with an emphasis on addressing risk-factors for chronic disease and early diagnosis of underlying illness. Factors such as weight, lifestyle, smoking status, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol are particularly important in  reducing cardiovascular risk. Diagnostics available at our practice include laboratory tests (bloods), ECG (heart tracing), ABPM (24 hour blood pressure monitor) and spirometry (lung function test). We refer to local hospital clinics for radiological investigations (including X-ray, Ultrasound, CT and MRI scans) and for endoscopies (camera investigations).


    Chronic Disease Management

    The Chronic Disease Management (CDM) programme is a health promotion programme from the HSE where medical card or GP visit card holders with certain chronic medical conditions (including type 2 diabetes, asthma and COPD, and cardiovascular disease) are entitled to a 6-monthly review with one of our practice nurses and a GP. This review may include bloods, blood pressure monitoring, foot checks, a medication review and a discussion on the self-management of your condition. The aim of this programme is to ensure optimum management of chronic conditions and to prevent complications before they occur. We are happy to provide a similar service to other patients but the cost of this is not covered by the HSE. 

    Woman's Health

    We provide a full range of services for women, including:
    - Contraception (including insertion and removal of Mirena and Implanon long-acting reversible contraceptives)

    - Cervical Check (Smears taken by Practice Nurses and referral made to local colposcopy clinic if indicated)
    - HRT (if indicated for menopausal symptoms)

    - Osteoporosis risk assessment (referral for DEXA scan to local clinic) 

    Antenatal Care

    All women resident in Ireland are entitled to free antenatal care under the Maternity and Infant Scheme. This provides for shared care between your GP and obstetrician in the hospital. Visits that are not related to your pregnancy are not covered by this scheme. The scheme covers an initial visit with your GP (to confirm pregnancy usually before 12 weeks) and a further 5-6 visits over the duration of your pregnancy alternated with the hospital appointments. GP visits usually take place at about weeks 24, 30, 34, 37 and 39 weeks of pregnancy. If you have a significant medical illness of pregnancy (for example diabetes or hypertension) then you are entitled to extra visits with your GP. Please bring your hospital chart and urine sample to each visit. The two and six- week post-natal check are also covered by this scheme. 


    Childhood vaccinations, which are provided free, take place over five visits between the ages of 2 months and 13 months as follows:

    2 months 3 injections (6in1, Men B, PCV) + oral drops (Rotavirus)

    4 months 2 injections (6in1, Men B) + oral drops (Rotavirus)

    6 months 3 injections (6in1, PCV, Men C)

    12 months 2 injections (MMR, Men B)

    13 months 2 injections (Hib/Men C, PCV)

    For full details on the immunisation schedule please download the Childhood Immunisation Schedule in the Information section.

    In addition to childhood vaccinations, we also provide seasonal antiviral vaccines including flu, covid-19 and pneumococcal disease. 

    Other vaccines, such as shingles and chickenpox are also available but are not covered by the HSE.


    Sports Injuries

    We deal with sports-related injuries on a daily basis and can assess and advice on management. We arrange X-rays and MRI scans, where indicated, at local hospitals and refer to a relevant orthopaedic specialist should further treatment be required. 

    Mental Health

    One in four people will struggle with mental health issues in their life. Anxiety, depression, stress and sleep problems are among the frequent issues that can develop. It is important to seek help and discuss your feelings before they  adversely affect your life and well-being. You will be seen with empathy and understanding, and offered the appropriate support and treatment.

    Minor Surgery

    Certain minor surgical and other procedures are available at our surgery. These include suturing of most wounds, cryocautery (freezing of warts and other skin lesions), ear syringing and injection of certain joints. Many of these procedures are covered by private health insurance. 

    Travel Vaccines

    We offer a range of worldwide travel vaccinations. Please contact us 4-6 weeks prior to travel to ensure you receive your vaccines in time. We provide practical advice on travel based on the countries you are travelling to as well as administering the appropriate vaccines. We can provide most travel vaccines, including those for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid, Diphteria, Polio and Yellow Fever.

    Sexual Health

    If you are concerned that you may have acquired a sexually transmitted illness (STI), we can provide you with a full assessment. This may include swabs (for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea) and blood tests (for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Syphilis). If you are worried about a particular exposure and have NO symptoms, please wait 2 weeks before screening.

    Drug Addiction

    We provide support  and referral  to an addiction counsellor for patients with a drug or alcohol addiction problem.  As Level 1 GP prescribers, we are also able to prescribe OST (methadone) to stabilised opiate dependent persons, once initiated by the local HSE Drug Treatment Centre.

    Medical Reports

    We prepare and provide professional medical reports when requested for a range of situations, including:
    - Medicolegal reports (e.g. following a road-traffic accident)
    - Insurance Policies (e.g. if taking out life or serious illness cover)
    - Pre-Employment Medicals

    - Driving Licence Medicals

    Medical Emergencies

    Our clinical staff are trained in the management of medical emergencies, and our surgery is equipped with essential equipment, including oxygen, defibrillator and emergency drugs. We would ask that you phone 999 or 112 in the first instance if you have a medical emergency at your home or workplace, ensuring you have the Eircode to allow emergency services respond quickly.