
The World Health Organisation have announced that COVID-19 is no longer a global public health emergency.

Nevertheless, Covid-19 is still part of society and remains a risk to certain individuals.
If you have any flu-like illness (sore-throat, cough, fever), you should still test at home for Covid-19.
Please do not attend the surgery with such symptoms without discussing with a member of staff first.

If you are given a face-to-face consultation with a doctor, you must remain in your car before being called and you MUST wear a face-mask.
(Face-masks are no longer mandatory for all other patients since mid-April 2023).

Booster Vaccinations

This practice will be participating in the next roll-out of Covid-19 booster vaccines expected to commence in October 2023 (at the same time as the flu vaccine programme).
We will update this page regarding eligible groups and vaccines when further information becomes available.

Covid-19 Updates

For updated advice about COVID-19, including symptoms, testing, vaccination and what to do if you have COVID-19, please click on the button below to access the HSE Covid website.

Wash your hands properly!

Hand hygiene, either with soap and water or with alcohol-based handrub, is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading infections to others. Indeed, hand hygiene is an easy, inexpensive, and effective mean to prevent the spread of germs and keep everyone healthy. This short video by the World Health Organisation shows the correct way to wash your hands.