
The following is a list of fees as of 1st May 2023.  We request that payment be made at the time of consultation. Some of our services may be covered by private health insurance. We accept payment with all major credit and debit cards. 


Doctor Consultation - Adult
 Private         €50 *
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card  Free **

Doctor Consultation - Under 18/Student
 Private         €40 *
  Medical Card/GP Visit Card  Free **

Doctor Consultation - Follow up visit
 Private         €30
  Medical Card/GP Visit Card  Free

Nurse Consultation
 Private         €40*
  Medical Card/GP Visit Card  Free **  

* There is a €10 extra fee if the consultation includes blood tests.

**There is a €20 charge for ‘routine’ bloods (i.e. blood tests requested by a patient or for a private hospital Consultant). 

Special Consultations

Driving Licence Medical 
 Private         €50
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    €50

Pre-employment Medical
 Private         €60
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    €60

24-hour Blood Pressure Monitor (ABPM)
 Private         €60
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card     Free


Administrative Charges

Repeat Prescription 
 Private          €15*
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card     Free

Supporting letters / Forms
 Private         €20
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    €20

Sick Certificates (for school/work)
 Private         €15*
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    €15

* Included as part of a consultation fee.

Women's Health

Contraception  Consultation 
 Private         €55*
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    Free

 Implanon insertion
 Private         €80*
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    Free

 Implanon removal
 Private         €80*
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    Free  

(Implanon removal and insertion  €120*)
IUCD (Coil) insertion
 Private             €150*
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card     Free

IUCD (Coil) removal
 Private         €50*
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    Free

(IUCD removal and insertion   €170*)

Antenatal checks
 Private         Free
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    Free

Cervical Check (Women aged 25 - 60 years)
 Private         Free
 Medical Card/GP Visit Card    Free    

* These services are free to all women aged 17-25 inclusive.  

Travel Vaccines

Initial travel consultation
 Private         €50
 Medical/GP Card    €50

Cost of vaccines (excludes administration)*
 Tetanus/Diphteria        €35
 Typhoid        €35
 Hepatitis A (Adult)        €45
 Hep A + Typhoid        €80
 Hepatitis B            €40
 Hep A + B (Adult)      €60
 Other vaccines     On request

Other Vaccines
Shingrix (Shingles vaccine)
 Cost per dose       €230
 (This price includes administration)
 Two doses are required

Varivax (Chickenpox vaccine)
Cost per dose       €75
 (This price includes administration)
 Two doses are required

Gardasil (HPV vaccine)
 Cost per dose       €240
 (This price includes administration)
  Three doses are required
 This vaccine is available free to first year
 secondary school students as part of the
 national vaccination programme.

* Fees for vaccines may vary - please check at time of making appointment.

Other Services

Childhood Vaccinations
 Private        Free
 Medical/GP Card         Free

Adoption/Fostering Medical
 Private       €80
 Medical/GP Card       €80

Minor Surgery/Suturing
 Private          €70
 Medical/GP Card      Free