Patient Information

This section provides up-to-date patient information on an array of medical issues that we deal with frequently in our practice. Click on the links to access recommended websites or download information booklets to get the information you require.  

Prevention of Heart Disease and Stroke

Blood Pressure

'Manage your Blood Pressure' by the Irish Heart Foundation explains what high blood pressure is and how you can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke


‘Get the facts’ is a patient information guide produced by Croi that aims to help you understand more about cholesterol.

Atrial Fibrillation

‘AF and You’ is an information booklet by the Irish Heart Foundation for people living with Atrial Fibrillation.

Asthma and COPD


‘Live well with asthma’ is an excellent booklet by Asthma UK that answers many of the questions you may have about asthma.

Asthma - Action Plan

‘My Asthma Action Plan’ is your personal guide to manage your asthma when it gets out of control (Asthma Society of Ireland).


“COPD and Me” is a comprehensive information booklet by COPD Support Ireland for people living with COPD and their carers.

Women's Health

Cervical Check

Cervical screening tests are available free of charge to all women between the age of 25 and 65. For more information, click on the HSE CervicalCheck website.


‘Your contraception guide’ is an excellent website by the NHS in the UK that details the various types of contraceptives available.


Breastcheck is available to all women aged between 50 and 69 years. For further information, click onto the HSE Breast Screening website.


The Menopause website by the HSE provides a comprehensive overview of the menopause, including symptoms and treatment.



This is a useful fact sheet on Osteoporosis produced by the Irish Osteoporosis Society.

Calcium Calculator

Calcium is essential for building and maintaining healthy bones at all ages. Find out whether you are getting enough of this important mineral in your daily diet by using this simple calculator.



Diabetes Ireland have produced a comprehensive guide for people with Type 2 diabetes covering daily management, health eating guidelines, physical activity recommendations, medications, entitlements and other lifestyle issues. 


Living well with pre-diabetes is a useful booklet that provides wonderful advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle changes for anyone diagnosed with Pre-diabetes.

Pregnancy and early childhood


‘My Pregnancy’ is a comprehensive book published by health professionals in the HSE giving you the best advice on caring for yourself and your baby during your pregnancy, labour and birth.

Childhood Immunisations

From 2 to 13 months, all babies are scheduled for a series of primary immunisions. This guide tells you which vaccines your child will receive and when they will get them; how the vaccines protect your child; and what to expect after your child gets their vaccines.

Early Childhood

‘My Child 0-2’ is a follow-on book from ‘My Pregnancy’ by the HSE which provides you with all the information needed to care for your newborn.

Colds and sore throats

Cold, Flu and Sore Throat

A lot of everyday illnesses like colds, coughs, flu, earache and sore throats don’t need an antibiotic. Learn how to look after yourself and your family when you’re sick or have a high temperature. 'Under the Weather' describes what treatments are available besides antibiotics.

Prostate Screening

PSA Test

The PSA blood test may help men find out if they are more likely to have prostate cancer. It is not perfect however, and this leaflet explains what the results might mean.

Mental Health

Mental Health

The HSE website on Mental Health provides information and advice about your mental health and well-being, including supports and services available. 


‘How to manage stress’ is a booklet for anyone who wants to learn how to manage stress. It explains what stress is, what might cause it and how it can affect you.

Sexual Health


‘Your guide to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)’ by the HSE provides information on various sexually transmitted infections, including symptoms and treatment.


Back pain

Low Back Pain

‘The Back Book’ is an excellent booklet that provides practical advice to anyone prone to acute or recurrent low back muscular pain.


Cancer Information

The Irish Cancer Society have produced a number of information booklets and factsheets on various cancers, including bowel, breast, lung, prostate and testes. They can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

Lifestyle changes

Quit Smoking

The QUIT helpline and support programme is a wonderful aid for anyone who wants to give up smoking. You can sign up, order a Quit kit, or find the nearest stop smoking clinic.


'Alcohol and You' is published by Drinkaware and provides all the facts you need to make informed decisions about alcohol.


'A guide to managing your weight' is a useful booklet produced by the HSE with practical advice on diet and exercise.

Travel Vaccines

Travel advice

The 'Fit for Travel' website by the NHS in the UK provides travel advice and up-to-date information regarding vaccinations and malaria prevention when travelling abroad.

Other conditions


Warfarin is used to prevent clots developing but has to be monitored closely and may interact with certain foods. This NHS factsheet provides all the information you need to know. 


'All about Gout and Diet' is produced by the UK Gout Society and gives details on foods to be avoided by anyone with gout.